【講座資訊】本所演講 – Healthcare Interpreters: The Medical Professionals’ viewpoint

| 講  題 | ‘Healthcare Interpreters: The Medical Professionals’ viewpoint

| 講  者|
Professor Emeritus Nigel Mathers – University of Sheffield BSc. MB ChB. MD. PhD. FRCGP. DCH. Dip Ed. MBE
黃玉珠 -輔仁大學護理系教授

|時  間|2024/6/12 (三) 10:00 – 12:00

|地  點|博愛大樓五樓 506 教室

Mathers 教授學養跟實務經驗兼備,且長期參與醫療環境建置及醫療通譯的學術研究及國際合作計畫,
以下是 Mathers 教授對於本次演講的規劃:
The presentation will focus on medical interpreters’ current roles to include potential contributions to the provision of services to diverse patients in primary care – in particular the facilitation of cross-cultural communication between health professionals and their patients.
I propose to introduce the following topics in a brief 20-minute introduction to be followed by a more detailed interactive discussion:

  1. The pressing need for the involvement of medical translators in clinical encounters and possible ways of extending current roles and developing services in diverse populations;
  2. Some principles of cross-cultural communication in the clinical environment and potential skills required;
  3. Understanding the cultural, spiritual and religious influences on health (particularly mental health);
  4. Developing medical translation services in primary and community care;
  5. Possible ways forward for the extension of medical translation services in the community (discussion)



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